
ageLOC TR90® TrimShake GreenShake (USA)


ageLOC® TR90® GreenShake helps you control calories and is a great source of the high-quality protein that your muscles need. It also helps you reduce your food cravings while helping you feel fuller longer by producing a feeling of satiety.

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Each ageLOC® TR90® TrimShake serving is designed to fill one burning foods portion or one storing foods portion recommended as part of the ageLOC® TR90® eating plan. The shakes contribute to daily protein intake, which helps promote satiety and support lean muscle mass.

We recommend that you continue to incorporate the ageLOC® TR90® eating plan as part of your lifestyle even after you reach your goals. You can use ageLOC TR90 TrimShake as a protein source with any meal to ensure that you continue to get adequate protein throughout the day to help support metabolically active lean tissues.

TR90 TrimShake

Vanilla TrimShake, Chocolate TrimShake, Mixed TrimShake, GreenShake

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